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Blockchain Explorer

Discover the power and transparency of the Electroneum Smart Chain with the dedicated blockchain explorer. This powerful tool provides detailed insights into transactions, blocks, and addresses on the Electroneum network, ensuring transparency and trust for all users. Whether you're a trader, developer, or just curious about the blockchain, the explorer makes it easy to find the information you need.

What Can You Do on the ETN-SC Blockchain Explorer?

  • Track Transactions: Instantly verify the status of any transaction on the Electroneum Smart Chain. See the transaction hash, sender and receiver addresses, amount transferred, and the transaction's timestamp.

  • Inspect Blocks: Dive into individual blocks to see the transactions they contain, their total value, and when they were mined. This is a great way to understand the Electroneum Smart Chain's activity levels and health.

  • View Smart Contracts: Explore deployed smart contracts, including contract addresses, transactions, and the code behind them. It's an essential tool for developers and those interested in the technical details of the chain.

  • Monitor Network Status: Get real-time insights into the Electroneum Smart Chain's status, including block height, transaction throughput, and more. Stay informed about the network's performance and reliability.

How to Use the Electroneum Blockchain Explorer

Accessing the Electroneum Blockchain Explorer is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Electroneum Blockchain Explorer by clicking on this link: Electroneum Blockchain Explorer.
  2. Use the search bar at the top of the page to enter a transaction hash, block number, or address you're interested in.
  3. Press enter or click the search icon to view detailed information about your query.

Electroneum Blockchain Explorer

Why Use the Electroneum Blockchain Explorer?

The Electroneum Blockchain Explorer is more than just a tool for looking up transactions or blocks. It represents the commitment to transparency and trust in the decentralized finance space. By providing a window into all the activity on the network, we empower users to make informed decisions and verify information independently.

Whether you're confirming a transaction, investigating smart contracts, or simply exploring the Electroneum Smart Chain ecosystem, the blockchain explorer is your gateway to a wealth of information.

Explore the Electroneum Blockchain today: Start Exploring.